Finding A Great C# Role is A Quest - We're here to help with that
Specialising in connecting top C# developers with leading companies in the heart of London. Our expert team is dedicated to finding the perfect fit for your tech needs.
About Us
Founded in 2010, our C# recruitment agency is a team of passionate technology experts dedicated to connecting top C# developers with leading companies in London. With over a decade of industry experience, we pride ourselves on our extensive talent pool and deep understanding of the C# and .NET ecosystem.
Our Mission
At our C# recruitment agency, our mission is to be the trusted partner that connects top C# and .NET talent with leading companies in London. We are driven to help our clients build high-performing, innovative tech teams that drive business success.
Our Values
  • Integrity: We are committed to honesty, ethical behavior, and transparency in all our dealings with clients and candidates.
  • Excellence: We strive for the highest standards of professionalism and deliver exceptional service to our clients and candidates.
  • Collaboration: We believe in working together as a team to achieve the best outcomes for our clients and candidates.
  • Innovation: We constantly seek new and innovative ways to improve our recruitment processes and stay ahead of the curve.
  • Diversity: We celebrate and promote diversity in the workplace, and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all.
Our Team
Meet Our Experts
Our talented team of recruitment specialists have years of experience connecting top C# developers with leading companies across London.
Dedicated to Your Success
Driven by a passion for technology and a commitment to excellence, we go the extra mile to understand your unique hiring needs.
Collaborative Problem-Solvers
By working closely with both clients and candidates, we leverage our industry expertise to deliver tailored solutions that drive results.
Why Choose Us?
Unparalleled Expertise
With over a decade of experience in the C# and .NET recruitment space, our team of experts has an unrivaled understanding of the local tech ecosystem.
Tailored Solutions
We take the time to deeply understand your unique hiring needs and provide bespoke solutions to help you build high-performing, innovative tech teams.
Extensive Talent Pool
Our extensive network of top C# and .NET developers ensures we can quickly connect you with the best talent to drive your business forward.
Personalized Service
From the initial briefing to the final placement, you'll receive dedicated, responsive support every step of the way.
Our Speciality: C# Developers
As a leading C# recruitment agency in London, we pride ourselves on our deep expertise in the C# and .NET ecosystem. Our speciality lies in connecting the top C# developers with the most innovative companies in the city, helping to drive digital transformation and build high-performing tech teams.
Locations: WeWork Poultry
Our C# recruitment agency is based at the WeWork coworking space on Poultry in the heart of London. This centrally located office allows us to be close to our clients and candidates, making it easy to collaborate and provide personalized support.
With its modern amenities, vibrant community, and easy access to public transport, the WeWork Poultry location is the perfect base for our team of C# recruitment experts.
Client Testimonials

Exceptional Service
The team at C# Recruitment Agency took the time to truly understand our needs and provided us with top-quality C# developers that have been instrumental to the success of our project.

Unrivaled Expertise
Their deep knowledge of the C# and .NET ecosystem, combined with their extensive talent pool, made them the perfect partner to help us build our high-performing tech team.

Responsive and Dedicated
The C# Recruitment Agency team was incredibly responsive and provided dedicated support throughout the entire recruitment process, ensuring a seamless experience.
Candidate Testimonials
Smooth Transition
The C# Recruitment Agency team made the entire recruitment process seamless, from the initial interview to the final offer. They kept me informed every step of the way.
Excellent Guidance
The agency's expertise in the C# and .NET ecosystem was invaluable. They provided me with insightful advice that helped me showcase my skills and land my dream job.
Personalized Support
The team took the time to understand my career goals and matched me with a role that perfectly aligned with my skills and aspirations. I'm grateful for their personalized approach.
Current Vacancies
C# Developer
Our client, a leading fintech company, is seeking an experienced C# developer to join their innovative team.
.NET Developer
A fast-growing e-commerce platform needs a talented .NET developer to help drive their technical roadmap.
Backend Developer
A well-funded AI startup is hiring a senior backend developer to build scalable, high-performance systems.
Full Stack Developer
An award-winning tech company is searching for a full stack developer to join their dynamic, agile team.
C# Developer Roles
C# Application Developer
Design and develop robust, scalable C# applications that drive business innovation and deliver exceptional user experiences.
C# Backend Developer
Build high-performance, secure backend systems using C# and .NET, integrating with databases, APIs, and cloud services.
C# Game Developer
Leverage your C# expertise to create cutting-edge, immersive games that captivate players and push the boundaries of the industry.
.NET Developer Roles
.NET Web Developer
Develop robust, scalable web applications using ASP.NET, C#, and the latest .NET technologies. Optimize for performance, security, and seamless user experiences.
.NET Mobile Developer
Build cutting-edge mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms, leveraging Xamarin and the .NET ecosystem. Deliver high-performance, feature-rich experiences.
.NET DevOps Engineer
Automate software deployment and infrastructure management using .NET tools and frameworks. Ensure reliable, scalable, and secure .NET-based systems.
.NET Data Engineer
Design and develop data-intensive .NET applications, integrating with databases, data warehouses, and big data technologies. Unlock valuable insights from complex data.
Backend Developer Roles

API Development
Design and build robust, scalable APIs that power your client-facing applications and integrate seamlessly with third-party systems.

Database Architecture
Develop high-performance, secure database solutions, optimising for data storage, retrieval, and analysis to support your business needs.

Microservices Implementation
Leverage containerisation and orchestration technologies to create a modular, scalable backend architecture that can adapt to changing requirements.

Cloud Infrastructure
Architect and deploy cloud-native backend systems on leading platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud, ensuring reliability and cost-efficiency.
Full Stack Developer Roles
Web Application Development
As a full stack developer, you'll be responsible for building comprehensive web applications from the ground up. This involves designing responsive user interfaces, developing robust backend systems, and integrating seamless data flows.
Cross-Platform Apps
Full stack developers often work on creating mobile-friendly web apps and cross-platform applications that deliver consistent experiences across devices. This requires expertise in both frontend and backend technologies.
Scalable Architectures
You'll design scalable, modular application architectures that can handle increasing user demands and data volumes. This involves choosing the right databases, APIs, and cloud services to build resilient, high-performance systems.
DevOps Practices
As a full stack developer, you'll collaborate closely with DevOps engineers to automate deployments, monitor performance, and ensure reliable, secure application environments.
Temporary Placements
Our temporary placements offer flexible work arrangements to suit your needs, whether you're looking for short-term contracts or long-term assignments.
Skills Development
Temporary roles provide opportunities to expand your skillset, work with the latest technologies, and gain valuable experience in a range of industries.
Temporary assignments allow you to build connections with industry leaders and professionals, opening doors to future career opportunities.
Permanent Placements

Long-Term Stability
Our permanent placement services offer candidates the opportunity to secure full-time roles with leading companies, providing long-term career growth and financial stability.

Tailored Recruiting
We carefully match candidates' skills, experience, and aspirations to the specific requirements of each permanent position, ensuring the perfect fit for both the client and the employee.

Career Advancement
Permanent roles allow our candidates to develop their expertise, take on greater responsibilities, and progress within an organisation, unlocking new opportunities for professional development.
Contract Roles
Flexible Arrangements
Our contract roles offer the flexibility to work on short-term projects, allowing you to explore new technologies and industries without long-term commitments.
Diverse Opportunities
From freelance development work to contract-to-hire positions, we connect you with a wide range of contract roles that cater to your skills and career goals.
Accelerated Growth
Contract roles provide the chance to rapidly expand your expertise, work with leading-edge technologies, and gain hands-on experience in dynamic environments.
Seamless Transitions
Our team ensures a smooth onboarding process, so you can hit the ground running and contribute to your contract projects from day one.
Salary Benchmarking
Our salary benchmarking data provides a clear picture of the competitive compensation range for in-demand C#, .NET, backend, and full stack developer roles in the London market. This information helps our clients offer attractive packages to secure top talent, and supports our candidates in negotiating fair salaries.
Career Advice
  • Upskill Continuously - Stay ahead of industry trends by regularly learning new programming languages, frameworks, and best practices.
  • Build Your Network - Attend industry events, join online communities, and connect with fellow developers to expand your professional contacts.
  • šŸ’” Seek Mentorship - Find an experienced C# or .NET developer who can provide guidance, feedback, and career development insights.
  • Diversify Your Experience - Take on projects that challenge you and allow you to work with different technologies and team structures.
  • šŸš€ Pursue Certifications - Earn industry-recognised certifications to demonstrate your expertise and commitment to professional growth.
Interview Tips
Research the Company
Thoroughly research the company, their products, services, and industry to demonstrate your genuine interest and fit for the role.
Practice Common Questions
Anticipate and prepare responses to common interview questions, focusing on highlighting your relevant skills and achievements.
Showcase Your Expertise
Be ready to discuss your technical expertise, problem-solving abilities, and experience working with C#, .NET, and related technologies.
CV Writing
Tailor Your CV
Customise your CV for each application, highlighting the skills and experience most relevant to the role.
Showcase Achievements
Quantify your accomplishments to demonstrate the impact you've made in previous roles.
Optimise Keywords
Incorporate relevant keywords throughout your CV to ensure it passes applicant tracking systems.
Personal Development
Investing in your personal development is crucial for C# and .NET developers seeking to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech industry. Take advantage of upskilling opportunities to expand your knowledge and sharpen your skills, from mastering the latest frameworks to exploring emerging technologies.
Attend Workshops and Conferences to connect with peers, learn from industry experts, and discover new best practices. Engage in online tutorials and webinars that provide bite-sized, accessible learning experiences tailored to your needs.
Upskilling Opportunities
Certified Courses
Enhance your skills by completing industry-recognised certification programmes in C#, .NET, and other relevant technologies.
Online Workshops
Attend virtual workshops and webinars to stay up-to-date with the latest coding best practices and development trends.
Mentorship Programs
Seek guidance from experienced C# and .NET developers who can provide personalized advice and career development insights.
Hackathons & Meetups
Participate in coding challenges and networking events to collaborate with peers, showcase your skills, and learn from the community.
Referral Scheme
  • Earn Extra Rewards - Refer successful C# and .NET developer candidates to our agency and receive a generous bonus payment when they are placed in a new role.
  • Support Your Network - Recommend talented developers in your professional circle and help them advance their careers, while also benefiting your referral earnings.
  • šŸ¤ Strengthen Connections - Build stronger relationships with your peers by connecting them with exciting job opportunities that match their skills and interests.
Diversity & Inclusion
At our C# recruitment agency, we are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. We believe that drawing from a wide range of backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences is key to driving innovation and delivering exceptional results for our clients.
Corporate Social Responsibility
At our C# recruitment agency, we are deeply committed to corporate social responsibility. We believe in giving back to the communities we serve and supporting causes that align with our values of inclusivity, sustainability, and ethical business practices.
  • Volunteer Initiatives - Our team regularly volunteers at local coding workshops and digital skills training programs, empowering underprivileged individuals to explore careers in technology.
  • šŸŒ³ Environmental Initiatives - We've implemented eco-friendly office policies, such as reducing paper waste and promoting remote work, to minimize our carbon footprint and support sustainable development.
  • Charitable Donations - We allocate a percentage of our profits to charitable organisations that provide educational resources and career opportunities for underrepresented groups in the tech industry.
Contact Us
Reach out to our experienced C# recruitment team for all your hiring needs. We're here to connect you with top-tier C# and .NET developers in London and across the UK. Get in touch today to discuss your talent requirements or to learn more about our services.
You can contact us by phone, email, or through our convenient online form. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized support and timely responses to ensure a seamless recruitment experience.
Apply Now
  • Take the first step towards your next C# or .NET developer role by applying directly through our easy-to-use online form.
  • Simply provide your CV and contact details, and our team will review your application and get in touch to discuss the next steps.
  • šŸš€ Our efficient application process is designed to help you quickly and seamlessly connect with exciting job opportunities that match your skills and experience.
Privacy Policy
At our C# recruitment agency, we are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. We take great care to ensure that your data is handled with the utmost confidentiality and in compliance with all applicable data protection regulations.
Information Collection: We collect personal information, such as your name, contact details, and employment history, solely for the purpose of facilitating your job search and connecting you with relevant C# and .NET developer opportunities. This information is stored securely and accessed only by authorised personnel.
Data Usage and Sharing: We use your information to provide you with tailored job recommendations, updates on our services, and to communicate with you throughout the recruitment process. We may share your details with our client companies, but only with your explicit consent and for the sole purpose of considering you for specific roles.
ā€‹Read our full Privacy Policyā€‹ to learn more about how we protect your personal data and your rights as a data subject.
Terms of Business
  • Our comprehensive Terms of Business outline the contractual obligations, rights, and responsibilities governing our recruitment services.
  • These terms ensure transparency and protect the interests of both our clients and the talented C# and .NET developers we represent.
  • By reviewing and accepting our terms, you can be confident that our partnership will be conducted in a professional and ethical manner.